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Hi roomies
73 here
Hi all
Fucking time change.
Hi hoots
Anyone above 50
Im a professional driver haha i cant be getting tickets haha
Biggest traffic issue doen here is when the tractors move fields for harvest xD
>>> Biggest traffic issue doen here is when th... Lucky. I get sleepy Deborah who wants to make eye contact in her rear view the whole way wherever I go, but doesn't wanna go faster, or move. 🤷🏼
Hopefully you’re having a good day
Thx. You too
I thought they finally banned the app
Hi everyone
hi girls
It will be here before you know it
Good morning everybody 🥯☕️
Good morning. We be up early lol
Anybody here?
I am a grown man on the struggle bus. I need to meet more people before I go mental.
>>> Lo que hay es ese hembron que está hay Me la pego
>>> Jajajaaa También me pego a la q se ria
Hello 👋🏻