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Nord America

Hi roomies
73 here
Hi all
Fucking time change.
Hi hoots
Anyone above 50
Im a professional driver haha i cant be getting tickets haha
Biggest traffic issue doen here is when the tractors move fields for harvest xD
>>> Biggest traffic issue doen here is when th... Lucky. I get sleepy Deborah who wants to make eye contact in her rear view the whole way wherever I go, but doesn't wanna go faster, or move. 🤷🏼
Hopefully you’re having a good day
Thx. You too
I thought they finally banned the app
Hi everyone
hi girls
It’s very nice today and wind free lol. Or light anyway lol
Yeah it’s not bad today
It is pretty nice. I’m up in st joe today
I am a grown man on the struggle bus. I need to meet more people before I go mental.
Hey pm me
Pretty cool pic of my relatives
Looking to meet up and get stretched and drilled today.