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KKansas City Social

Good deal. Michigan sucks and has the wrong time lol
Baby love is that you?
Guess she didn’t like you looking at her 🤷🏼‍♀️
It’s been a long time since I’ve seen her lol
How’s everyone?
Welcome back BL
Thank you
Good morning y’all
What’s going on today!!? Happy Friday!!
Oh yea, it’s FRIDAY!!!
Hope everyone had a good day it’s almost time to enjoy the weekend whoohoo!!!
Good evening yall
It’s been a great Saturday
Good morning
Good morning
Good morning
It’s morning anyway
It’s afternoon 😂
Just 12 hour lol
This time of the year there is so much yard work
My house doesn’t have a yard lol
Your windshield is your yard 😂
Basically lol
I get out of my truck and yell at the other truckers, GET OFF MY LAWN
Any body on?
Good morning
It’s a brand new day lol
Sure is lol
You should be a beaver 🦫 lol
A beaver? Why? Lol
Because bucees is a beaver lol
Ohhh lol
Mmm bucees
Never been to one.
They are building one here
Somewhere jejeje
Why respond at all? Lol
I dunno
I was just being random
They are building one near the Kansas Speedway
Oh ok cool
Howdy yall