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Hello 👋🏻
Hi there
Snowed here last night 🙄😂
Gotta love it
You here
Cold morning 🌞
Is it?
Very much
Staying warm?
Working on it
Oh always
How are you working on it?
Staying in bed With a blanket
Don’t forget a cat
I have allergies
Take drugs. Power through.
Also, you ARE a cat
He he he I hate drugs
Yes, ty Ik I'm a cat 🥰
Pretty cool pic of my relatives
Morning WISC
How goes the day Grace
Alright 👌🏻 Ty U?
Going to be a lazy day
👍🏻 nice
Hope so
It's a lazy day 🔆
Morning all
GM 🌻
Hey visiting Madison
Hello am new here
Madison is a great town
Is better than Milwaukee
And green Bay
Lol. Agreed, but SE Wisconsin isn't bad. May I ask where you're from
Green Bay
Nice. But I seldom visit there. I do go to Madison fairly often
No one yo north?
Afternoon Rose