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DDirty older men 😈😈

I rest my case..
Ellie got her wish to come true 😃
I do love a Hollywood ending ❤️
Isn’t a Hollywood a type of wax girls get on their you know what 👀
😮 it is?
I wouldn’t know wax types 🤷‍♂️
Me either
Ellie get a little landing strip
The bushier the better
I’m coming in hot ✈️
I prefer to just not even know what’s going on down there
It’s so overgrown
I see 👀
Wait a second burrito’s beard and Ellie’s 🐱 the same 😳😳
Dom you’re up..she’s all yours
She makes me kiss it just so she can tell me I’m basically kissing a guy with a beard 😭😭
Yep twins 👯
Hold on I would need my weed eater just to find it 😳
That’s Ellie’s nickname for me
Weed eater
This is too much for me I don’t even wear a beard 🤷‍♂️
Flashbacks 😭😭
It was weed muncher 🙄
Get it right
Free floss
Lifetime supply
Oh this is too much information here
As long as there’s no 🦀 then it’s extra protein
If your counting calories remember to ask which direction she wipes
Crabs are normal right
Everyone has those
Along with a crabby odor
Smells like fish have a dish
Too early in the morning for this 😭😂
Would you like some crabby patties? 🍔
What’s the secret ingredient
Secret sauce
My cream filling
👀👀 he ain’t playing around
And of course free dental floss comes on the burger
Sounds like an elegant meal
Crabby patties cream sauce and floss