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Reife & 30+ Chats/

DDirty older men 😈😈

But I'm in love with you baby 🥺🥺
Ewww that made me sick
Why do you treat me like this? 🤔
Sup wabbit person 😁 👍
Hi ya Luna Rose
Hey how are y’all?
I’m good working. Hbu
I'm flipping faptastic fanks sugar nips 😁 👍
Who the hell is sugar nips
Definitely not you
Ok there freak boy I’m sure they love these stupid names you call them
I was watching some b-ball now just chilling
Oh a sports lady 🔥🔥
Wonder if you can guess how many funks I give? 🤔 🤣 🤣
lol yeah my NBA team won but college team lost so split night
I can’t do basketball anymore not like the olden days. Baseball season has arrived
Baseball isn’t staring yet spring training is not the same
It’s started in my world
I get it and it’s also been hella boring yea I’m so ready go LA
Ugh. Trying to buy the World Series
pm no limits
Waz up
Howdy all
Hello everyone
Good Morning
Hello everyone
Hi 👋
How are you Doing?
Morning guys
Good morning everyone
👋🏾 Hey
Hi Britt
Good afternoon all
Hello everyone
Any married men here