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Xats per a Majors de 30 anys i més/

DDirty older men 😈😈

How about pineapples
How about glazed buns
This isn’t good for my workout
Pineapples sounds good to me 👀
But do you have pizza?
No 😢
I have pizza, I’ll share 🤗
Gimmeee pizza 🍕
You can have all the pizza 🤗
Thank you
You’re welcome, n thank you for the dessert 🤗
The pineapple
Yes the pineapple 🫡
All alone again 👀
Oh no
Your pizza’s all gone?
There’s some left for breakfast pizza
Unless you want some more in exchange for dessert pineapples 😂
That sounds like a fair trade
I think so too
This way everyone wins 🤗
Win win win
Is definitely gonna be a party now!
Woooo go us the life of the party!
Perhaps is time for bed
Oh no
Party’s over
Slumber party!
Sleepover 🛌
Yeesss let’s do it!
Hello everyone
Good morning
How’s it going?
Good here
Any women for long term chat?
Christie what to chat
Heya how’s you
Good morning everyone