The current rich and powerful are evil, sadly.
They make me want to turn into a serial killer.
There's this really rich guy in my country and he was so respected in the past. Everyone aspired to be intelligent and hard working like him, ten years ago. But now, everything he says is trash. People hate him so much. They may appear amazing in the beginning but eventually, these richpeople are all snakes that want to exploit others.
Cat is Trump. Abort mission! I repeat, abort mission.
By that logic, a lot Asian immigrants would still be living there and that's against Trump's ideal America.
But there's an International Men Day.
It's on Nov 19. It is mentioned. But the point is that men don't advocate for men's day like women advocate for women's day.
In my previous company, when a proposal was made to give out gift vouchers to every man for International men's day, most men squashed the idea. It's like they can't make up their mind.
Velveteen Rabbit. That's a very nice children's book.
That's way too many questions.