Yes. All schizo related disorders take time to diagnose due to overlapping symptoms. So chances of misdiagnosis just increases.
>>> Its rare. Not that disruptive. And yes its...
That's good. As long as it's under control, it's all good.
My ex has BPD. And I was schizoaffective. We were a disaster. 😭
We were both delusional and had severe emotional distress. 😭 Man, crazy times.
>>> It usually happens now when I'm walking al...
Dude, that's scary!
15 seconds is a long time.
>>> I dated a guy with schizophrenia when I wa...
In my case, we dated for two years. On and off. But, we were destructive to each other. She pushed me to the point where I went back to doing drugs. 😭 I pushed her to the point where she would have mental breakdowns. Yetwe sort of understood each other in a very unique way. It was heaven and hell at the same time. 😭
Damn, Alzola. Sorry to hear that.
It really isn't. These things happen but I just feel that if you are going through something, be vocal about it with people who you know can support you. Sometimes, we just need to find the strength to talk about it so we can feel better.
>>> Yes. I tried my best, looked for hospitals...
I can understand. I can understand him and you.
Isolation is easy. I do it, at times. But everyone around me is aware now so they understand when I am beginning to retreat so they manage to pull me out. I am grateful for that.
I can understand, Alzola. You can provide the means and be responsible to a certain extent. At the end of the day, it is always going to be him. If he doesn't want to go ahead with it, there's nothing anyone can do.
>>> I get brow beat and nagged out of it.....
Same. 😭
>>> In my case, divorce was the only solution ...
It's understandable. It's the circumstances. 🫂🫂🫂
Today is the first time on this app where I talked about these things so openly. 😭
I don't get close to people. I am just distant. I hardly talk about myself or open up. That's for most people. I do share what I feel and other things with my bestiesand my partner. But that's about it.
I also haven't made any new friends in the past 10 years. 😭
It is. In a way. I don't talk about it because people who have been diagnosed with schizoaffective disorder don't have the best image. There are many cases of them being abusive and hurting others so I rarely talk about it because I don't want people to get scared or shun me over this. But it feels nice to be able to put it out there and just be treated normally.
>>> My mom, grandma, and sister are my closest...
That is adorable. 🧡
That's true but y'know, people.
>>> I can relate.....I've been shunned a lot f...