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I have a bad back I bath soak then shower and wash

I have a bad back I bath soak then shower and wash
Always shower after a bath agreed. Hope your back is okay?
Its broke but fine πŸ˜‚
😭😭 grrrr that’s horrible
I'm used to it
Ever tried holistic approaches?
I don't think that will fix actual broken chipped bones πŸ‘€
So I had a friend who had something similar. Bed ridden …surgeries. She was told that she would endure pain for her whole life. She invested in a red light, acupuncture and gym (building her core and butt muscles). To support all the muscles around her spine. yoga religiously and she’s legit shocked the Drs how she was able to like live a virtually pain feee life and impressed them with her X-ray 😬
Yeah I'm too lazy for that ill just pop tramadol and float πŸ˜‚
πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ enjoy your opioid float 😬😬