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AAnime lovers

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Is there a girl who likes sex? I am here
I feel like Dan dans ending was seriously lacking
yes, the anime production is suboptimal
similar to chainsaw man
it's probably okay to stop somewhere in the middle, but it is definitely not okay to that after only 12 episodes the first season should be 24 if you want to do that
Any suggestions.
watch 100 girlfriends, English dub if you can understand that it's very love positive and funny
Dandadan was great, it was obviously set up for a second cour which is releasing in the summer. The reason they do that is to have more time to work on the animation, working in the anime industry is stressful due to the extreme time crunches they have trying to push episodes out.
Another reason they leave off on cliffhangers like that is to make you come back for the second cour to find out what happens, it also encourages some to go check out the source material if they can't wait for the animes continuation. It's designed like that on purpose, nothing suboptimal about it
Yes there is It doesn't work as a show \o In the long run it probably wouldn't matter, nevertheless it sucks for a show as for now. E.g. AoT
-e.g. AoT
I usually don't mind shows going from nowhere to nowhere as long as they have a good atmosphere but sometimes i do
It's an interesting topic really because as long as a show is unfinished people subconsciously don't care but if a show gets a not so good ending, it ruins the rest of the show
that was a whole lotta nothing 😅 no offense dude but what lol
Again. Dandadan and CSM are not good shows for many as they are now bc they released too little, with a bad stopping point.
That's a terrible argument to make lol, wrapping up a story because a season is about to end would derail the pacing. You act like cliffhangers are a bad thing. Go read the manga and get hype for the second cour. People who complain about where a season leaves off or not having enough content in a season is what makes a lot of anime have way too much or way too little of the source material either crammed in or dragged out causing horrible pacing and an overall bad season.
It's not a terrible argument, but facts
Any futa enjoyers here?
ryuko matoi is trans
i mean isn't it sus that they've never shown her v canonically in the show
satsuki got bath fingering scene and chained in a cage scene but not ryuko
Hi guys
Any suggestions
>>> Any suggestions We got Solo Leveling s2 airing currently, as well as Re;Zero continuing
Main stream drop some hidden gems
Monogatari series, A Place Further Than the Universe, Clannad, ef, Made in Abyss
Yes ofc I am