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Obrolan Dewasa & 30+/

🟑35+ Only Clean Chat

If ya not happy then do it
Yeah I have to assess my next steps before I leave the job
Of cause but factor in happiness
2 more died today 😒 😭
Its hard to see people pass
I am so sorry to hear that. Your heart must be hurting.
iOS app has been blocked at the server
Good morning β˜€οΈβ˜•
Is anyone here?
Hey ya cam
πŸ‘‹ Uncle Davey πŸ‘‹ Cam πŸ‘‹
Morning doodles
I just ended my shift. I got a brand new client. Hopefully she doesn't die the next day
My off day today
That's great πŸ‘ for you
Got mum in to respite tomorrow and headin away for a week
Anybody home? πŸ‘€
Sup Persephone
Hi Harry πŸ‘‹πŸ½
It’s been a while since I’ve been here
How are you ?
I’m doing okay. Thanks for asking. Yourself?
I am doing great thanks
Yes, I don’t think we have come across each other when I was here before. πŸ˜…
No I don't usually here that much
So nice to hear that. Where are you from?
Florida how about you?
Philippines πŸ‡΅πŸ‡­ Were you affected by the tornadoes?
No it was little far from me
But we have few warnings this evening
Thank God! I heard there were a lot of damage and loss of lives.
Twin pug πŸ‘€
Hello everyone
Morning. Not happy with the anti not putting an app out for iOS.
helllo PinkyRose
Everyone behaving
im trying
Hi everyone
πŸ‘‹ world πŸ‘‹
Goodnight here
Hello everyone
πŸ‘‹ world πŸ‘‹
Hello everyone
Hi 😊