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👋 world 👋
Goodnight here
Hello everyone
👋 world 👋
Hello everyone
Hi 😊
Goodnight here
Hi Shhhh and Pinky Rose!
👋 Perse 👋
Hello pretty Solo Cruiser!
Is that you Doodles?
Yesss me!!!
How have you been?
So many stuff happened and I had to deal with it first. How are you? I’ve missed you! I’m so happy to see you here still,
That’s cute Pugsley
I'm alright 👍 I finally got my dual citizenship today 🥳
Magandang umaga che
Well done
Ateh Che! I can now stay in PH for more than 30 days 😆 🤣 😂
Home finally
Congratulations! I’m glad to hear that. I hope you get to visit the PH.
G’Day perse
Good morning Dave!
How us doing perse
I’m doing okay (I think.. lol) How about you?
I am ok. Just recovering from a 4 day hike
👋 Uncle Davey 👋 how was the hike?
Oh wow. That sounds like a very long walk. Hahaha I hope your bones are okay, Dave. 😜 And good for you to have some personal time. Who took care of your mom?
I had mum in respite pers
It was good meet some great people
Evening everyone,
Hi all
G’Day candy
G’Day pinky
How are ya both
Hey room. Long time.
Goodnight here
G’Day candy
G’Day math
G’Day pink