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💋вяαтту вσυℓєναя∂💋

Dont think the other app is really my scene from what I have heard of it
What is this other one you speak of?
Can't name it here
Any clues haha? Cryptically?
You will have to ask Needy, lol
But seeing d pics in gc is not my scene, lmao
I’m in a few you can’t post pics. Just chat and vn
It’s been fun this morning tbh lol
Okay I keep hearing of this app and now I'm curious
Bonnie Taylor song. Total **** of the heart
Someone help a girl out lmao
That word
They have a room “anti refugees haha 😂
Needy? Any clues
Welcome rooms my jam
Just said it bunny
You are bomb
Khan Murder Bunny >> 🎁🌹 >> Needyblues 1️⃣9️⃣🎂 (+₭500)< [rose][4][2]
Aww thanks babe
Awww i see
Thank you
Whew to much adulting today
Well that was easy enough, lol
Is there a lot on there that we know?
found it lol
Everyone lol
It’s a good one !
I have my pocket friends back haha
So like a lot from the Savage room like wulf and wolf etc
Probably not
On yellow app
You should join that one
Oh is that another app
Not the new anti. It’s the yellow one
the room i found is on the one from the total blank of the heart app
Also I swore that was Heart that did that song lol
Bonnie Taylor bb
I still see wulf around here and Foxy and some others
was she part of another band at one point?
I think Bonnie Tyler was always a solo singer
Okay. Just checking to see if you were still around
Yeah I will always be here, and to be fair I'm still standing at the airport, last night was cold outside. lol
Haha 😂 silly … maybe one day 😋
Yeah who knows right