Ass is looking fantastic as usual
You’re missing a great ass Harry
His photo skills have improved
I agree he does have a nice butt, I almost fapped to it until I realized it was a guy 😡
Since then I've learned to click on profiles and check gender
Tbh he won our hearts when we banned him and he appealed
And his reason for appeal
Was another pic of his ass
He’s always got a home here now 🙃😅
There's nothing on Netflix
I’m watching law and order my girl Olivia benson is on the mf case
Mfers always swarm me, like damn I'm just trying to smoke my weed and there's 20 of them stealing the smoke
Hummingbirds are adorable
Not when they're an inch away from your face
I feel like they're always trying to decide whether or not I'm a flower