Been here a lot n been thru a lot
N my dearest friends on this please have been too
Wisdom is knowing who to let in and who to let go
Yeah you and I have 😂 had some crazy times throughout the six years of this room lol
Anyways sorry for boring yall
You can carry on flirting now 😂
Well u me n clue n coffee can create the flirtless boring friends club 😁😁
>>> N my dearest friends on this please have b...
Yeah this place can be rough
I don’t even remember how to flirt in all honesty 🤷🏻♂️
>>> I don’t even remember how to flirt in all ...
Oh I don't flirt. People say I do but supposedly very bad at it🤣🤣
I don’t flirt with many people and I certainly don’t pm many people… but if I do flirt….
>>> Anyways sorry for boring yall
I wasn't bored
You are the flirtiest guy in here 😂
>>> Well u me n clue n coffee can create the f...
Yay 😁
No I think I'm the funniest. Lol
There’s only two of us so it’s not hard lol
Is that considered flirting🤔
>>> There’s only two of us so it’s not hard lol
I think you are very flirty tbh lol just my opinion lol
Well i flirt but everyone knows it's amicably n harmless 😁
In all honesty I am mostly a very deep thinker and serious person. I have been told to work on it.
Nice dramatics last night by the way when coffee was switching up her love between diz and yourself lol
Ohh lala i must have missed a lot sleeping 😁
You are far from harmless sasso lol but lately in the last year maybe you seem to be more chilled about things… after that crazy dude I think his name was Alex
>>> Nice dramatics last night by the way when ...
Thank you I think it was one of my best performances. Smiling outwardly while crying on the inside coz coffee chose Diz
I felt this lol top performance lol
And jiggly too,little players 😁😂
Alex crazy dude was 4y ago scotti 🤣🤣
Nah dude Jiggly is not to be trusted. I asked for help and she just straight said No
Oh well, Diz left me 3secs later to jump on to Jiggly. Let's call it even
I see that and she went on the defence for diz,little pumpkin pie etc
>>> Oh well, Diz left me 3secs later to jump o...
A love like yours comes but once in a lifetime how can I just let it go???
>>> I see that and she went on the defence for...
I think he jumps on many lol
We are back on track Cluedo
Did i miss an org party or what lol 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Yeah I saw that. He lures me into a tin can and then takes my woman
Was funny to watch though while I was eating
>>> We are back on track Cluedo
No lol just a little playing 😁
Take care you beautiful people, I'll be back later
Have a good day coffee 🙂👋
Will miss you so much Coffee😘😘😘