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What’s happening 😳
Hi Sara
The stallion eagle dude is most likely drunk
Hey lovelies
SassO 🤗🥰
Hey Sasso🤗
Steagle 🥰🥰🥰
Wht happened coff 😁
Have u been naughty luv?
Wht did i miss jiggles
Nothing… steagle suddenly cracked himself open.. that’s why BC thinks he’s drunk
Everyone slept lol
Huh wht was that abt steagle lol
Well i wld have prefered cracking me i mean what 😂😂
Steagle 🙈
Well i mean yesssss🥰🥰😘😘
I killed it 😁
Sorry i was to late hahaha
Yeah yeah we know get a room u both we know 😂
Was dead already. Don’t blame yourselves lol
Scotti wb 😁
Hi coco 🤗
I’m not really back. Just got the phone open on here while watching TV
cocoli 🥥 🥦 🤣😂🤣 I love that combination! You’re creative 🤣
Hullo sass
Creative name yes but not a creative taste
Imagine coconut n broccoli lol
Teamwork 🤜🏼
Best combo 🤢😂
Jiggly got the best names 😌
Lol You know what I mean
sometimes 🤭
I was not thinking about broccoli when I said Cocoli but you made it even funnier
Well just to be clear im not drunk
Why do people think i drink alot
>>> I was not thinking about broccoli when I s... What was you thinking about 🤭
https:anti.landg3dWu9fwqZ8 come see me
Just wanted to diminutize your name.😁