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Chaty pro dospělé & 30+/

💫30 & above only🌍

Should have
Where else did you go?
I was visiting Istanbul n Cappadocia
Alot I havent seen
I surely wanna go back
>>> What's hamsa <<< search hand of fatima
I'm making myself a weed bowl 🙂
That's what it's called
Oh, it's just a bowl.
That blue charm is hamsa
Good choice cc! Looks great with your complexion!
Tha blue thing looks like a ghost 😲
Maybe it is?😂
>>> I'm making myself a weed bowl 🙂 <<< for breakfast ?
>>> Tha blue thing looks like a ghost 😲 <<< hand of fatima, its hamsa !!!
I loveeeeeeeeee hamsa
Breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks throughout the day
Looks cool tho
>>> Good choice cc! Looks great with your comp... <<< tku Wand 🥰🥰🥰
>>> Looks cool tho <<< it has a good meaning too
It has a meaning of warding off envy
Yes boo hamsa is khamsa which is 5 in arabic
I love evil eye too 🥰🥰🥰🥰
For MacDiddy
You’re missing a Mc
I think imma change my name to MacDiddy
Would I be banned CC? 🤣🤣
>>> Would I be banned CC? 🤣🤣 <<< for qat ?
Being trans into MacDiddy
Blue magic
I could use some of that
What sorcery is this
Exactly what I was talking about
No evil eye here