They always look so focused
What’s that breed if any?
She looks both cute and terrifying
I would kiss my fears if they looked like this cat
I did give Dayton his goodnight kiss
I kiss the top and the sides 😏
I love me some D before bed
If it’s only pee you have them perfect
Dayton ate every attempt if mine to grow bell peppers, no matter how well i tried to protect the plants
There’s Taco Bell in London? Never knew that
I had it years ago in the states
Tbf I didn’t enjoy it but i generally don’t like that sort of food at all
Sorry love, I should have asked how is that food fighting you?
Cuz I read in somewhere that human apparently have taste buds in the anus 💀
And with my father twisted mind you can imagine the mental image
Two more shots and I will be typing like a pro no worries 🤪
I wish, I’m working tomorrow
Oh just one of those days