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you're the only one asking this time that doesn't make it funny
you all are stuoid
oh wait she can't stop
both again
this funny
there defo green
or brown
chup detox
why this turtle sounds like a bogan
naur way foo
i have a feeling of green
defo green
hey y all
green fs
that woman is deceiving
turtle eye colour rn
my eye is honey brown
and so am i
don't trust me and ask me questions
She s pretty
i lie better than any of you
everyone is
You’re lying
atp the fact ur aussie is fading cos u won’t answer the dang question
and i love monkeys, had two at a time
they're my favourite after cats
Yeh but that woman is pretty
that's one possibility
There must be a friendly blonde here? 🙂
my other persona used to be master oogway
this turtle ain’t worth the title
if there is, let her be fooled
I’m hungry
No we are all axe murderers
i'm worth nothing yet blessed
God is good
What’s for lunch turtle
my moods ruined ily celia i gtg
that made me think about food and i'm not hungry
blozz sayang ily
Ily too sayang
nothing, i'm too high to eat