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Yeah and he’s not the only rich attractive one who has
it’s just one of dem fings
you an AMERICAN nappy???
u are an airhead
no i’m not an AMERICAN u lgbtq freak
theres nothin between ur ears
stupid oppressed muslim
ur empty in the head
I weigh 215 so I’m aiming to get down to 195 at least
the chompers
Bahaha you stick to your belief and if you think he has no reason to do it that’s on you
The man could do anything
And pay off anyone
Don’t just assume because someone is rich and famous and good looking they couldn’t do it
Harry would be proud to see how I’m eating
jellyfish is one of those believe all women
You naive little man
eurgh buddy
No I’m actually not
But the man has form paying for what he wants
tanning bed behaviour
Man bought his own child and refused to ever have the mother ever named
In gym
I weigh 215 so I’m aiming to get down to 195 at least stop eating meat and you wont be a massive fatty in 3 months flat
trap house?
>>> In gym Hoii molvi saab
Motivation comes from action
What charity gym is that
Sofa in the gym
Your legit dumb like even Ronaldo admitted it 😂 and apologised for it afterwards
Stupid man
he lives with his gym thats a W
Ur gym has a sofa
Heyy just laying in bed with my dog
ok jellyfish we get it ronaldo grapist u believe all women u have room temp iq
বলদ সব
move on