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Red crab who are you
Me? A crab? Like you. 😂
Nuuu i think you lie lie
Someone told me that you’re an old member of antii
Who's that someone?
I dunno remember… heshe told me long ago
Now i forgot 👉👈
Dunno lie red crabbie Who you’re… reveal your identity
I am just a crab. 🤣
Kaynie boil her into hawt waturrr
Crab who? 😂
Everything is crab here
Which one you wantttt
He wants you 👀
Nuuu I’m not gayy
No one says you're gay tho. 😂
Maybe he just want to talk to you. Lol
Gawddd I’m saved
I thought this would be my last night as a straight crabbb
crabby turns gay?
Nuuu i do not
Imma still straight
yes you'll be gay
make crabland great again
last night some guy said there are 40% muslims in india but I searched and found it's around 14%
Stewpid people all around world
Why to listen them
India has the third largest muslim population in the world after Indonesia and Pakistan
I wear mask in flights
Pakistan of course
bunny invading this crab gang
Bunny who are you
Reveal your identity
you are surrounded by crabs
put your hands up