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You an intruder kitty trying to kill my crab army
Imma supreme leader and protector of crab dynasty. Imma gonna save them from evil kitties
Lmao I swear I come in peace
Jesus why is this crab holding a knife
Imma protector of earth
I will save my crab brothers from evil attacks made by kitties
Kittyyy, eat crabby.
Take the knife and cook him. 😂
We are not evil, kitties are cute and innocent, crabs are dangerous and violent
Even your own crabs are not happy with you, give me your kingdom
See See… this kitty came to take my kingdom
And my own army trying to betray me 😭😭
Hey yo, 😼 taking over the world. Let's fkin goooo
Nuuu please leave me alone 😭😭
Imma small innocent crabby
Green liar 🤥
He’s just jealous coz he don’t have 6 legs and can’t crawl sideways
Why would he be jealous of someone who needs 6 legs for walking, and on top of that still crawls
Crabby getting humiliated here
You can’t even run
I invite you to a chatroom '🇿🇦 Vibe & Thrive https:chat.antiland.comg73r7ILw8Q
They are manhandling me 😖
Crab gawd take me away 😭
He disowned you 😂
There is no crab gawd , god is a woman 😼
God is a myth
If there’s GOD, that’s ME 😎
Nahh that's a blasphemy
There is only one gawd and it’s crab gawd
Ohhh this royal crab group is still alive
Oreo everyone left me
Now imma alone here
Not yet 😂🌝
Where are you
How’s everything going
No-one abandones the crab leaderr
hi crabby
Hi Crabby
>>> How’s everything going Ah just like good old times 😂🤧