I mean I enjoy the chaos tbh haha
>>> Onu thayich vecho
Athaqqe qazhinjitt qurai varshan ayyi pengalle , now good vibes only 🤧
A lot of kundanmaar
Alladey , avar theypichh mature aye avar ann , so now they're helping others get mature 🥸
>>> Aaaayy...Ennalum engane men can get arouse...
Ath avarude art ann 💀💀💀 , they get creative ideas like this 💀💀💀
>>> Ini Aj with two phones 🤔
Pedikenda eniq atyreyum kaash pootitilla 🤧😂
Hmmm ath sambhavikamenne sambhavam ann 🌚
>>> Like vashikarikal other men? 💀
Kinda , but along they way they get to learn creative pickup lines , cringe stuff and the extend men can go 💀🌚😂
>>> Vere enth thengaya
Fake photos , epol AI undallo so more easy 💀😂
I was talking about men who catfish others for men than gay ones 😂💀
>>> Lesbians are fine though..I support 🔥
Naah , more competition + plus inaccessible 💀😂
>>> Lgbtq+....I hate this community!!!
Well i understand intersex ppl who are naturally born with both organs , then there's gay who are men who like men and lesbians are women who like women
But I don't understand why do they need a whole another gender to showcase that
Infact other so called genders were born into either of the two , so let genders be the one you're born with and do what you like cuz that's called preference 💀