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Ooo, you got him there
Scott what are you up to
Evan u gotta go to Golden Corral and start railing fat hogs
Cabe spends more time with moody than his wife
That’s how cabe nailed me
Chilling at work
Got 7 minutes left
Not silly not a betch
Ohhh 7 mins is nice !! I got 52
That’s why they shut locations down
Why did that random person gift me tho haha
Savy u ever seen moody
Probably said “I like snails”
She feckin huuuuge
I called her quadriplegic and she didn’t deny
Gift me a heart ❤️ thanks
lol 😊😊
Not too shabby!
That’s why Cabe likes her
He loves the nubs
Wow I talked about a small bb and you brought up politics
My pp huge too
Tbh I’m with Cabe on that one I don’t like moody
Yass then I’m off tomorrow and going to a car show
She takes things too seriously
Now gift me
Sav 💀💀💀💀💀💀
1.5 legs 400 lbs half blind missing her left leg at the knee due to diabetes…also shets in a bucket cause she imoble and can’t walk on her own to el baño
That’s funny af
any muscle older man here?
I think she’s low-key autistic because she takes everything literally
And you going to snail hell
Or at least on the spectrum
Hey Texans
I’m autistic
Snail hell
Idk but I haven’t seen moody in a long time
Just touched darling
There’s a lot of autistic people on this app
That’s when you’re stuck with me for eternity gee
Nothing wrong with that
She’s feckin awful smug and presumptive to be so hideous and obese