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So…not crazy?
>>> Then have some sympathy for us women. They... I'm not a sympathetic person
Woman just show their emotions in a different way And usually men show their emotions in anger
>>> I'm not a sympathetic person Well then remain that way. But I suggest at least learning to feign it. Not with me but to survive in society
>>> Woman just show their emotions in a differ... Lmao yes. Always anger.
I've annoyed past supervisor by explaining how I don't see specimen as people they are just tubes of blood lmao
>>> Woman just show their emotions in a differ... I mean tbf growing up that's the only emotion we were allowed to show
Well men of the world you can show me other emotions. EXCEPT hawniness
I am not down for that.
Go elsewhere for that one.
I don’t think a man should express their emotions as whiney or bchy tho
Crying yeah
Even now showing emotions is still used to attack etc
I think people should express whatever the hell they want 🤷🏻‍♂️
>>> Even now showing emotions is still used to... Ik. Us women need to do better in that.
I belive in man up And that dosnt mean don’t cry
And people shouldn't use it as a weapon
>>> I belive in man up And that dosnt mean don... Yeeeeeees!!!!
I don’t think even woman should be overly emotional either
>>> And people shouldn't use it as a weapon Agreed. I have seen couples where that happens Neve. It makes me sad.
I get whooped for crying after I got whooped
>>> I don’t think even woman should be overly ... Well Imma try but I can't always promise this
Though I hate to say a ton of the people I work with have me going... Damn they need an adult
Why do yall let society manipulate you into shaving?
I’m not overly emotional tbh
I shave when I want
I can get emotional at unexpected times.
I shut down and be mad
It creeps up on me
I only shave like twice a week
But I hide it with a smile lmaooo
Normally am chill.
I have a problem
Sometimes I have to put myself in timeout.
I'm only emotional when the autism can't keep it under lock aka I'm exhausted
>>> I'm only emotional when the autism can't k... Oh this.
And when you dealing with multiple crises... that fuse gets short.
Then imma be honest you better leave me da hell alone
Somtimes I be emotional and just be in the restroom for a bit until I can be better lmao
Not an excuse, but it takes a herculean effort to maintain
Smart Chi.
That’s me rn tbh I’m suppose to cook but I need a second from my family
>>> And when you dealing with multiple crises.... Hence why it's good I don't see my job as working on actual people 😂
I hate to be negative with my family n I’m trying to better that
Very rarely do I feel I'm in crisis mode
I could care less about my family for the most part 🥹
✅ telgram? daisy8y