Hamster be like wut in tha fook
Well lol curiosity wont kill this cat 🤣🤣🤣
>>> Hamster be like wut in tha fook
All of us with you tbh
hey any girl for an older guy?
>>> I am hoping to find the right person to lo...
Love and care for my bank accounts. Thanks
That's the stuff nightmares are made of
Ya'll ever remember the punch line but can't remember the joke
Cuz I got na' cho cheese (not your cheese) stuck in my head rn
“What do you call cheese that isn’t yours?”
Dashina. Weigh in. Who's hair is prettier?
>>> “What do you call cheese that isn’t yours?”
Damn. Maybe I should go to bed
>>> Zara 💯
Omfg. How dare you
Imagine if that man used conditioner regularly
I used to be an adventurer too. Before I started going bald
You love my niche humor and references rem. Don’t kid yourself
Your name just put on my list in red, underlined
This ain't atla. And you aren't zuko.
Honor? I barely know her. 🥁
They dont let us see the sky no more✨
Idk my voice can be kinda husky in the mornings.
Damn. What did ppl sneak into my lunch today
Dashina. I got a surefire way for you to get the nerdy biches
Record a vn saying "I'll save you from the pirates" in the morning. Boom. Done. Lmfao
Lol I’ll give it a try. Also with all this pollen flying around ill have the deepest voice in town