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Shieldy 🥰🥰🥰
Good morning
Hey Jay
Morning Jay
How are you ladies?
I'm awesome. U?
Hi shieldy 🤗
I’m doing good, just headed to the office
I’m ok thanks
Oh the dreaded office lol
Haha exactly, should be an easy day though
Hopefully ppl will leave u alone today
Haha thanks!
How’s work going for you?
It's going well. Very chill. I think I got everything settled before I leave for my long weekend d
Woohoo! That’s right I forgot bout your long weekend!
I'm ready lol
Haha I bet!
When does it start?
Today at 4:30
Nice enjoy 😊
Woohoo! Have fun!
I will be cleaning out out junk room tomorrow
That doesn’t sound like fun lol
Nope. I was going to the beach but that was canceled.
I thought you had made other plans though
Nope. Just gonna hang around the house. May go stay at a friend's Friday night the. Hang our Saturday
Oh nice, that should be fun then!
Don’t work too much on your vacation! Enjoy the time off
Oh I will lol
Haha good!
Catch up on more Dateline 😆
Let me know what episodes you watch lol
I'm on the earlier episode. Likes season 25😆
Season 25 is earlier?!
Lol.yes there's like 100 seasons
Oh damn! I might have to check it out again lol
I haven’t seen dateline in years
I haven't ever watched it, but I have gotten really into true crime last year or so
Haha I love true crime
Me too. I like to try to solve it lol
Yes! I’m always guessing who did it
Haha it really is though lol
Gabbing away without me 😔
You weren’t here
Yeah u weren't around