That helps with the congestion at night
I'd have to Google and see
Just ask the Dr. They didn’t prescribe anything?
😕damn…well hopefully they start feeling better soon🙏
Thanks! She acts fine like I said. It's just this nasty loose cough keeping us up all night. Maybe she'll knock it out soon.
Idk for you guys but here we put chopped onions close to their head for a cold and cough
It really helps..why i don't know but it does
I don’t miss that at all…my daughter was like that (and so was I) a few weeks ago
My hubby did that for me, but it didn’t work lol
The demon is finally asleep
Its already 9pm here so my time for sleep is almost here haha
>>> Booooooo
I'm in the future
Are only married people allowed here?
>>> Are only married people allowed here?
I think no, but you have to be 25+
So pizza was amazing, now it's pedro time. Tonight i'm going to sleep a bit later. I need pedro
Yesss it was the perfect way to end the day haha
My cat has this funny routine every night. I get in bed, he fallows and wants to get under the covers. Okay i let him in, 5s later he wants out, okay. 30s later he wants in again, then out, then wtf dude 😂
I think that's every cat 😂
This morning he had an opera act on the other side of the bedroom doors
Singing the song of his people 😂