Yes! You're freaking awesome
Report back what they say
Nah ik I was just messing with you
I don't understand bots, and "hey, hit me updm me" messages
we were promised Indian females and received none 🥲
Omg! Van! My day has gone from "meh" to "f'in great" 😉
Yeah I got no response I am very sad now
Can't trust people named Ray. I learned that many a year ago
I second that statement I am also suing ray
I'm gonna kick Ray's a$$ for hurting you Van. Heshethey are dead meat
Dm if you’re into Indian females
Ray, share with us now. You've been teasing us all night.
Show us for Vans sake! Don't make me wave my fist at you like an old man
Ray is not a professional pimp
I dont think he will even response to us. Look at his karma
it is also because ray is indeed a bot
What is a bot? Like antiland programmed it?
Nah basically someone programmed “ray” to post spam in a bunch of chats for whatever reason
Wait, can antiland create their own bots? Are we all bots of this place?
I see people keep saying “bots” but I am not sure what kind of bots
If they can still type and chat its human
Unless Antiland developers created those accounts to make this place more crowded
I think it's a world domination plot from Anti