I dare someone to help me cheat on my gf
anyone feel like playing 21 questions?
I'll play if anyone els is down roo
I do reply, just depends who
You gonna make breakfast?
I wish I can make you breakfast haha all the goods
Ooo I’d like that very much
Half cooked eggs and a brick of butter lol jk
lol heart attack on a plate 😂😂
I wish I can dare ppl to watch this scary movie by themselves ... in the dark... scared... like me...
It's called pulse. I've tried to watch it 3 times but I haven't finished it. This is my fourth time
Ah ok, nice I’ll check it out
Is it scarier than hereditary, cuz that's the scariest movie I've seen
I don’t think I’ve seen either tbh
So I’ll have to check that out too
Yess but it's pretty scary so be careful lol
I also watch them in the dark too