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TTruth or Dare 18+

Is anyone down to play?
Morning Crossdresser
You gonna make breakfast?
Soon yes
I wish I can make you breakfast haha all the goods
Ooo I’d like that very much
Half cooked eggs and a brick of butter lol jk
lol heart attack on a plate 😂😂
With a 2L of Pepsi lol
Mixed with coffee
Dare of the day haha jk
lol 😂😂
I wish I can dare ppl to watch this scary movie by themselves ... in the dark... scared... like me...
What film is that?
It's called pulse. I've tried to watch it 3 times but I haven't finished it. This is my fourth time
Ah ok, nice I’ll check it out
Is it scarier than hereditary, cuz that's the scariest movie I've seen
I don’t think I’ve seen either tbh
So I’ll have to check that out too
Yess but it's pretty scary so be careful lol
lol I like them scary 🫢🫢
I also watch them in the dark too
Anyone wanna play ?
Yeah why not
Dm me to play
T or d
You first
Dm me to play
Dm me to play, girls only
T or D anyone
Just name it
>>> Dm me to play, girls only 🤣🤣🤣
anyone wanna rp
give Dare to me
Lmaooo all dudes here. Lame
This whole app is dudes
And dudettes haha
Hey y’all
How’s it goin
Dm me to play
Don't dm. Do it here. For obvs reasons lol