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MMinecraft 💻🖥🎮📱

okok then, let's meet in dm, but hey be very very careful when sharing any usrnm bc antiland will straight send you to prison if any usnrm like text is detected
so you would like, disguise it I'm not encouraging breaking the rules tho, I think they exist for good reasons
I got distracted on hypixel for a moment lol
Happy Friday!
Happy Friday
Friday Birthday!!
Happy Friday
I’m depressed 😔
Happy Friday
Happy Friday
Still depressed. The abusive girl I’ve been trying to get over went on f b live with a new guy
When do we play Minecraft
When you get java 😋
yuuh. I want to commit to it
No rush
No rush.
ok gang i got more builds
(i’ve built like four things in the last two days)
i don’t have pictures of most of them to (except bad map pictures)
less gooo
: D *
ok photos incoming (mostly map ones)
the gazebo and stepping stones sans some finishing touches of coral and lanterns (project 1)
a little enclosure for llamas (project 2)
“bee house” little greenhouse type thing cause i wanted to farm bees and its lowkey so cute ill get better pics tmr (project 3)
little base and portal really far from home bc it’s by a coral reef (project 4)
wow project 1 love
ok thank you for sharing
Wow that shark
Is it on the srv with s a m
project 1 was a surprise for him and i had to race to finish it before he got home, and project 2 is for his llamas cause they kept fighting and getting free and dying so he needed a pen
i had to giggle and send a screenie of this to him and he goes “how much do you talk about me jeez”
to which i said “apparently a a lot” and he reportedly stated grinning like an idiot 🤭🤭