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Lejupielādē lietotni, lai sūtītu un saņemtu anonīmus 💌 ziņojumus

  1. Pieskaries “Kopīgot”
  2. Pieskaries “Pievienot sākuma ekrānam”
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MMinecraft 💻🖥🎮📱

project 1 was a surprise for him and i had to race to finish it before he got home, and project 2 is for his llamas cause they kept fighting and getting free and dying so he needed a pen
i had to giggle and send a screenie of this to him and he goes “how much do you talk about me jeez”
to which i said “apparently a a lot” and he reportedly stated grinning like an idiot 🤭🤭
keep us updated please 🥺
ok the server has a thing where you can sit
and lay down and crawl and stuff
we are abusing this ability and i’m giggling sb
“we should do a before and after comparison w the minecraft version and irl version”
i’m giggling
he’s giggling
Haha good idea
How’s everyone doing?
i’m having a great time 🤭🤭
how are you
Haha i bet you do xD
Doing good, relaxing ^^
may or may not have made a screenshot from last night my lock screen
good morning
Cute pic :3 also funny your weather says how the clouds look like xD
Gm 🤗
yeah I like that also
and Duolingo........
love my weather app <3
it’s so nice
is carrot the weather app's name ?
Where can I get some minecrsft cocaine
From Minecraft brug dealer
Happy Friday
wondeful day of the fry
oh wait omgosh
ok i will try to remember
i made my friend (yk who) a silly hidden basement and it has one of his favourite things (gambling). he loved it. i will get a picture later hopefully
Happy Friday!!!!