I do many times. However groups are so tight knitted that people don’t interact at all.
Every message ends up like hi only
Then what’s the point of the hi?
Here we interact with everyone 🙂
Ntmy kn and where U from?
I am in East coast of USA
I'm about to sleep it's 4:14am here 😅🤣
Neville 🤗🤗🤗
Haha sleep sleep its 1:44 am here will follow in ur footsteps
What time do u start work
>>> Haha sleep sleep its 1:44 am here will fol...
Follow well 😅😴
Goodnight sweet dreams everyone 🥰🥰 see U all and take care have a good day manuka 💋
>>> What time do u start work
I pulled a sickie
Yay time to go shopping haha
Yeash let’s go window shop
How about a floral dress 🙂
Birdie and a floral dress ? Sounds nice