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Azja Południowa/

CChatterLand 🇮🇳 (OG)

Ohhh then it’s never gonna happen
Why not
Cause I don’t want children?
I was talking to the cruel world btw
Their children would read this
Fair enough
Ah cool
Ohh whose cruel world is he a user here
Why not was a follow up question for Neville btw
lol not everyone is on anti The world is too cruel
Cause she ain’t having kids so no one to read
Not for her kids to read bhai
I’m going to write it and get it published maybe
Ohh do it
Go for it
All thanks to Oinky and her wicked name
We all got to have a muse
Have you ever been beaten up?
Many times
Hmm okay.
But you can hit me up Hit me hard I won’t mind You’d look cute mad 😠🥺
You’d look cute any which way
Ello there kitty
Oink is the red duck troubling you?
We are friends Dw
Doesn’t he trouble everyone?
How was the movie Lioness?
Its going ok
Tell me if he troubles u
I’m not a duck Offended
Nooooo I’m not :
Oinks tell her you know me
Before I got banned
Yes ma’am
And I know Buck! lol
Nighty night lovely humans! 🖤🖤
Sleep tight oinks
Good night everyone
Sweet dreams oink 🤗🤗🤗
Good night lioness sweet dreams 🤗🤗
Dream about being a rockstar ⭐️
Sleep tight kitty