Sometimes if they do things in bulk they just split the bill
Damn cabe we all kinda miss you. Kinda. Sorta.
Dang alo that was kinda nice of you
Wow I didn’t know you did oragami
Gotta just turn all the way around and look out the big window
Thats how Welo does it and he’s dead on every time. It’s hawt
It’s windy af here too but it’s not dusty
Damn who has their dirty tiddie flopping in the wind near you?
The mummy is the reason I wasn’t an organ donor for so long
Smh squish…you need an anatomy lesson 🫤
Also lemme get a bite of those spaghetti os. It’s been like 100 yrs since I’ve had them
Yes with laser. You just blast it right out. Simple procedure