Apparently the filters need some fine tuning.
Yes, between Houston and San Antonio.
It's been a few years since I've been up to Tennessee.
When I was in the Marines, I was real good friends with a Seabee from Nebraska. " 'N' for Knowledge!"
I scrolled back through the room and saw some conversations about Asian food. My favorite is Korean.
I lived in Japan (Okinawa) and Korea.
Jul moo rookie. It's a marinated beef.
Cool! I enjoyed my time over there.
The first time I had sushi was on Okinawa, so I'm not much of a fan of all the Americanized versions.
>>> It was 70° here today!
I'd enjoy having a day like that.
It might have made 70° here. The day started with some very dense fog that kept it cool for the first part of the day.