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I have a farm with 70 acres of land
i eat single ingredient foods and cook from scratch
All we grow is beans
And sugarcanes
I met with the daughter of someone who sued one of the big tobacco companies for not putting the health warnings on the packaging
the fact alcohol and tobacco are legalised tells u evth u need to know ab the world
tobscoo companies put tobacco in ur favourite foods
kellogs is a tobacco company im p sure or im mixing it up
Like what food
Your mixing things up
No wonder it taste good
See real
Tobacco is not put in food
allat bs has tobacco chemicals
same chemicals used from tobacco
is the point
Idk man I just think with all the money these companies make surely they could’ve figured out cancer by now no?
That’s all I’m saying
def got one somewhere
Ko ko pops and milk make a bowel full of fun
If you ever need
Good night
>>> same chemicals used from tobacco Wich ones?
why have water powered cars when u can charge billions for oil
look it up
do ur own research
Nikola Tesla
im not a librarian
Your the one saying this, its on you to explain it
He just doesn’t know
There’s that Dr Sebi guy
Im saying thet dont put tobbacco in food
Who knew a lot of stuff
Dr sebi was very smart
There is no tobacco in food
not literal tobscco lol
Ok what chemicals?
Sebi taught me grind mud with bananas to make smoothies that will make me immortal
Otherwuse you saying wild things
I am now God
Mud is so yum
We are all chemicals
theres one source