criminal u need to be lined up and shot
Anchovies on pizza lovers deserve capital punishment
Dm me the craziest thing you have ever done in ur life 😁
>>> Dm me the craziest thing you have ever don...
I hope that crazy stories are coming soon
Don’t be ashamed to post in the group rather than the dms
The craziest thing I'd ever done was after I was diagnosed with cancer, I took a road trip through Wales with someone from the internet I'd never met in person.
Why don't you become my wife
i had 409 karma howd it half to 200 wdh
Thank you! They caught it early. Ovarian.
I’ve only been to the north side of Wales
Loads of people having cancer
I know I’m gonna sound like a conspiracy guy here but I think big corps hide the cure for cancer
The north of Wales is beautiful honestly.
the world profits too much from diseases