check the legal age of consent and age to marry in all of the places you just mentioned
eli is legally married a fourteen yo
From an Islamic perspective, the marriage of Aisha (RA) to the Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) must be understood in its historical and cultural context, rather than through modern norms
Marriage Age Was Based on Maturity, Not Fixed Numbers
stop yapping and watch this.
In 7th-century Arabia (and many ancient societies), marriage was based on physical and emotional maturity, not a specific age
Aisha (RA) herself stated that by the time of consummation, she was physically and emotionally mature
Early marriages were common globally, not just in Arabia. In Jewish, Christian, Roman, and even medieval European societies, it was normal for girls to marry as soon as they were considered mature
i think the seal needs to take care of his own country’s pedophilia before looking abroad
The Talmud, for example, permits marriage at a young age, just as many other societies did
wasn’t jeffrey epstein north american?
Islam forbids harm and injustice in marriage
The Quran emphasizes kindness and mutual consent in marriage (4:19)
If Aisha (RA) had suffered harm, she would have spoken out, yet she remained one of the Prophet’s strongest supporters and teachers
Criticizing this marriage using modern standards is an anachronistic fallacy—it ignores the norms of that time. In Islam, the key factor is maturity and readiness, not a fixed age
The Prophet Muhammad PBUH was known for his unmatched moral character, and his marriage to Aisha (RA) was never seen as immoral by her or by her society.
In Islam, there is a fundamental principle: “لا ضرر ولا ضرار” (There is no harm and no reciprocating harm)
This means that any action, including marriage, must not cause harm to either party
Islam does not set a universal age for marriage because maturity varies between individuals and societies
Even today, different countries have different ages of consent—some set it at sixteen , others at eighteen
Why? Because each society determines what is considered normal based on their cultural and biological realities
Not everyone matures at the same age
Some people are physically and emotionally mature at 14, while others may not be ready until their 20s
Even puberty itself varies some girls reach it at 9, others at 15
That’s why a one-size-fits-all rule is not realistic
In Islam, marriage is only valid if the person is mature, capable, and consents to it
The Prophet’s PBUH marriage to Aisha (RA) followed these principles she was physically and emotionally ready, and she later became one of the most respected scholars of Islam
Setting an arbitrary age ignores the reality that people mature at different rates
yeah maturity is not tied to age
Even today’s legal systems recognize this by having different age limits across cultures
Islam’s approach is not about numbers but about ensuring no harm both physically and emotionally, and the person is truly ready for marriage.
>>> The Prophet’s PBUH marriage to Aisha (RA) ...
Hadith says otherwise.. go and read
Sahih al-Bukhari (Hadith 3894)
She did not know what was going on with her..
>>> Islam dies without lies
It is widely spread in Europe haha
Weird how in the Hadiths Aisha claims Muhammad is covered in cum
Sahih al-Bukhari 230
Narrated Sulaiman bin Yasar:
I asked `Aisha about the clothes soiled with semen. She replied, "I used to wash it off the clothes of Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) and he would go for the prayer while water spots were still visible. "