I thought i looked like a new person to you lmao
>>> The thing about is they have to go after p...
Yeah.. take advantage of the gullible-ity of people to provide them with a false sense of relief
>>> Wait you knew it was me?
I identified you only after u called me Shalini
Well, when you get people that do come from poverty and give them shiny things or shiny hopes it easily attracts them because they don’t know better
Look at all the money people probably put in to help in Africa and Ethiopia and all the Christian groups went over there. Yeah that helped out a lot. I seen a lot of those people get really rich though.
Well, it’s easy when you don’t want people and tell them not to ask questions keeping people stupid they will believe anything when you can’t question something
And the sickening part is they use that in sickening ways even worse than stealing your money like taking a vantage of kids
>>> Look at all the money people probably put ...
There's a famous statement by Africans: when colonizers came to Africa with the Bible, we had all the land and they had the book. When they left, we had the book and they had all the land
Right.. all religious places thrive on the fact that people don't ask questions
Written by man to push fear into others to use their agenda to take away for themselves, I could just imagine the secrets in the Vatican. There’s a place that helps the poor. Lol
Marble floors and ceilings, and the only thing they help themselves out is the little boys their money is needed just to pay retribution fees to keep it quiet non-disclosure agreements
Back then, you could’ve made up anything
You could’ve fooled people so easily back then
The power of persuasion is amazing. Imagine it when people knew nothing about anything and you could do some little thing that nobody seen before.
Like they would’ve been so primitive
Bits and pieces never from start to finish
>>> Like they would’ve been so primitive
Yeah.. a handful of people realized the masses are gullible so those handful of people invented god to fool the masses
Absolutely and didn’t have to steal it. They had people handover billions of dollars billions and billions.
>>> Bits and pieces never from start to finish
There's a scene where Tom Hanks says that the Vatican is not holy but just a corporation
And when he says so.. he walks past a vintage Mercedes stored in a Vatican vault 💀💀
That roast by Hanks and the movie director 🤣🤣
I mean.. why does god need a vintage Mercedes for 😭😭
I think it was the training course that Diddy and Epstein went to
He started running out of ways to make money so they started a school for other Sico
Just think of the power that the religions gain and the people behind it have and had very powerful positions
Pushing their sick and twisted ways and getting away with it because people didn’t question them because you could not question somebody like that
The stuff they got away with
It’s always nice when people are committed to things but not when they’re committed to things that divide spread, hate murder, etc. like whatever happened to an all loving God lol
Cheers have a great night