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🕌Religion 🆚 suspicions

WHO ARE YOU TO say what could a husband do with his wife and vice versa
You are talking about two married couples not a boy with his GIRLFRIEND
atheists repeat and repeat the same story every time about prophet Mohammed and his wife Aisha
I don't know how dare a dog who has no standards to talk about morals anyway
But they dare enough to talk about limitations between a husband and his wife in the same time they play around with every whore they found hahahahahha
Such an amount of contradiction, ignorance and stupidity that is unparalleled.
Ibn Umar reported Allah’s messenger as saying that a non-Muslim eats in seven intestines whereas a Muslim eats in one intestine. (Sahih Muslim, No. 5113)
Do you know who Ibn Umar is
Would be fine if it belonged to him
Cause you look like have more knowledge I think
I want to learn from u
If you repeat any Hadith without discussing it as I ask you like that I'll ban you
I hate annoying dogs
It’s funny tho
Ignorant haters everywhere
How do you know the difference between wrong and right as an atheist ?!
How could you consider any action as bad Ike that ?
Will you answer or just trolling ?!
You're ashamed to say your belief?! But when talking about Islam you open your mouse as a big door right?!
This is the reality and the truth of ignorant stupid ppl like u , they can't have any academic discussions
Just throwing claims and ran away without anything else
You're not allowed to talk anymore, I have done with this sht , any mod find this dog here just ban and kick out
When he can talk and discuss like a man let him speak
🙂 go on
Happy Suhour 🤍✨ Despite every spiteful infidel kafir 🙌
(Famine) hello
Hey welcome 🤗
(Famine) was someone mocking Islam?
Yeah just an ignorant hater
(Famine) I see. Mockery hasn’t always been the best way to persuade anyone of anything
I tried to be patient and talk to him but he refused any discussion and copy paste his claims as I'm talking to myself
>>> (Famine) I see. Mockery hasn’t always been... Yeah , I always love to talk to ppl even those who throw claims but at least they discussed it with me not just throwing them repeatedly and repeatedly then ignore me
(Famine) I’m sorry someone was unwilling to have an open conversation with you
(Famine) that kind of behavior is prideful and fear driven
🤍😊 it's ok thanks
(Famine) are you Muslim?
(Famine) I hate to assume
>>> (Famine) that kind of behavior is prideful... Exactly and full of hate
(Famine) I really wish you all could get on the same page when it comes to Espoka but sadly I don’t think that will be the case until the end
(Famine) religious division creates hatred unlike any other.
(Famine) it transcends race and nationality
Everything contains bad and good
Many atheists with no religion do the same race division
(Famine) it’s not really about which is worse. The outcome overall is not good for humanity
Yeah I agree with that