Someone just gate keeping good books
Juliet as pretty as ever I see
I'llsend some healing energy too
What language was that btw
Btw I just made my word up idk if it was a real word or not
I think there is truth in all religions
I like how artists can make stone look like cloth
I'm good, just sitting at the fireplace listening to my book xD this is basically all I do
I met someone from Chile, told em I painted but just started, they made me send em a pic of it then proceeded to show me the most mind blowing art piece I've ever seen
I wish I could show you their artwork it was so good
>>> Quiet and peace...calm
Just the way I like it lol
When something starts randomly twitching I punch it until it stops
On myself I should clarify lol
Exactly what you think it is 🤣
Just remember what would highlee do