I think it's more complex the creation cause that contains more hypothesies, like a other entity existing
According to logic, the weight of proof is on person who makes the claim. For example if I say mermaid are real I have to prove it to you
I get what lub means, you make a claim you gotta prove it.. Most people just say you can't prove me wrong as a way out but it's a wrong logic route. You may be right just show it to me
It's a way of transferring the weight of dismissing to the person who asks the question
But the weight is on claim maker
According to evolution didn't all organisms come by bacteria who in the process got united to create multicellar organisms? In the very very first form
I mean the common ancestor to all is bacteria it's not like elephants just came out of nowhere
But that's how living beings started forming gradually. At least logically
It's not the same but it's a gradual progress multicellar organisms didn't come to exist out of nowhere
Maybe aliens created elephants
That sounds like evolution