Worst thing is when you mistake fart for something else
It had happened to me while I'm sleeping haha but in public is the worst
I had a bad experience in January when I felt a huge cutting in my tummy and urgency to go to the bathroom and I couldn't find one. I was literally running
Yeah it's literally no joke and having panic makes it even worse. I still don't know how I managed to hold
I took some antidiarrhea pills that I had with me but obviously took a few mins to kick in
Yeah.. And I don't know if there's a solution to that apart from antidiarrhea pills. Something instant I mean
So fancy and unique, love it
I wonder if there have been actual cases of people who have done it on themselves this way cause it's really hard to hold even for a healthy person
I think it was due to cold tho
And you know my intestine is sensitive
At least you feel me.. Good thing is it was an one time event. I had never had it happened to me like that in public
Thank you cyborg I truly appreciate it! Same goes for you 😊