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Laughs, Let them all have equality and choice, as long as I get my slice of the good life and am left alone ….my life is centered around me.
Is there a Kelly leak here. I got got a dm then he blocked me before I could respond. What a pansy.
Hello everyone. My name is Vickie I’m a Republican councilwoman and I’m here to remind you who to vote for in November
My Oath I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States of America against all enemies foreign and DOMESTIC
I took that oath twenty-five years ago and to this I haven’t relieved of my oath.
Spreading fake news huh.
I think it is interesting to show them what it would be like if we also spread propaganda and lies. Let’s keep on the high road .
That’s rich coming from the party that keeps painting a target on trumps back like calling him a threat democracy. WE ARE NOT A DEMOCRACY WE ARE A CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC.
Lip reader we don’t need to agree on everything that’s what it means to be in the greatest country in the world. If fall the whole world falls.
If Trump supporters are in a cult how come a Trump supporter hasn’t tried to take out his competitor HUH. That’s because we aren’t lunatics.
I don’t think you measure any group by the outliers.
There’s about 80 million registered Democrats and one of the two wannabe assassins was a registered Republican
Each one represents 0.000001% of the party.
Both donated to the democrats so u can’t really call them republicans.
I admit it’s weird, but one was registered as a Republican
But it really doesn’t matter. Two people out of 80 million is meaningless as a demographic.
Yea and I’m a registered democrat. So that logic doesn’t fit
Again, two people out of 80 million is just noise
There are good people on both sides.
I can’t tell if you’re joking or being sincere, but I agree with you. There are good people on both sides.
I wasn’t joking and I’m glad u didn’t twist my words
Absolutely not
The country would be in a much better place if we had more respect for both sides
They said he was a threat to democracy in 2016
He’s been president so the threats are meaningless because nothing they feared last time came to fruition
Except he cheated to try to stay in power
So yeah. He has already been a threat to democracy
There are reasons why even upper echelons of the Republican party are voting for Harris… Because they are putting country before party.
Hello everyone. My name is Vickie I’m a Republican councilwoman and I’m here to remind you who to vote for in November
3 million people Pass away every year in the United States. It takes time to get their names off of the voter rolls, but it has nothing to do with voter fraud, nor does it affect the election
What city? Stories that don’t have data are almost always just stories. If you know the name of the city, then additional research can be done to find out where the Story came from
You claim to want to defend the Constitution against threats, foreign and domestic, except you support a man who has threatened to terminate the Constitution.
BS Turtle
Only assault on the constitution it the a Biden Harris& Tampon Tim- who needs an administration telling the people of the US about the Second Amendment when they can’t tell you the difference between a man and a woman
What about it? He can’t do it by himself🤷‍♂️- Man has a right to his opinion but the people vote their representatives in office and if there is enough votes based on the people’s wishes then it needs to be changed. That’s the problem- everyone whining about what that man suggest. He can’t do without congressional approval.
Presidents take an oath to defend the Constitution…not terminate it when they don’t like what it says
If it needs changing then he is defending it with congressional approval- that’s the way it works
Well thanks the Biden Harris ticket we are almost there - Third World
Read the tweet. He didn’t say “abide by the rules of the constitution to modify it” He said because he lost, it can be terminated