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sadly, even the hats aren't really cool. but yes to the rest of what you said.
Lmao meds crying in all trump rooms 😂
They are joyless lol their anger makes them happy
you didn't get much book 'larnin, did you turtle?
New Photo
are they joyless? or happy? how can they be both? wth are you even talking about?
Hi all
Are platforms back in fashion or is that pic really old?
Joy and happiness are not the same thing
Joy is a resting feeling of goodness. Happiness is a sudden burst of positive feelings inspired by a singular event. Once the event fades so does the happiness. Joy never fades.
so, these are definitions that you've made up? do you know how words work?
Who are you talking to Meds? I can’t see them
some squirrel. apparently his name is "jb?"
Either that he just blended in with all the other trolls
hard to say. so many of them have blocked me, i can't tell much about the convo's sequence here.
F*** everyone that supports that orange lard
Hello my fellow americans
2025 is gonna be fantastic
God bless America
Trump will finally make all dems pay in blood for their treasonous ways in 2025!!! All will suffer, no exceptions, it is Trump’s will!!! 🇺🇸
>>> Trump will finally make all dems pay in bl... Gotta love how blatant some of you are about being fascist. Hope you can sleep at night knowing you are the bad guys in real life.
Probably makes them feel badass, and that they’re finally something in life 🤣
Look is no nonsense guy, and his sick and twisted enemies must all pay… The time for vengeance is coming and the Great War will weed out all dems once and for all!!! Trump is our true and glorious leader and we shall all march into battle behind him!!!
Did Gerrit get an alt for trolling? 🤣
Damn, the crazies really are out.
It has to be a troll account
No one is that dumb
Surely 😬
First off: RUDE!!! But that’s what I’d expect from a low IQ democrap!!!
Who’s a democrat? 🤷‍♀️🤣
>>> Look is no nonsense guy, and his sick and ... Nazis liked to march a lot too
You'd fit right in
They also murdered their political rivals, in addition to 6+ million Jews and 3+ million Gypsies, Romanians, Polish, and Czechs. Not to mention the tens millions of Russians.
Such a delusional take
>>> Such a delusional take Saying the "Dems" will pay in blood? Yeah that's pretty delusional
It’s their little fantasy, makes them feel powerful
Just wait… the war is coming!!! Trump will lead us into battle against the enemy within!!! With Trump we will march America into a brave new territory!!!
How cute, they think it’s war games
Someone name the nine states where 3 million Americans will immediately completely lose their healthcare the moment Trump & Johnson repeal the ACA. GO!
They don’t care enough to know
if aca goes, it's going to have a negative impact on people in all 50 states.
>>Just wait… the war is coming!!! Trump will lead us into battle against the enemy within!!! With Trump we will march America into a brave new territory!!!<< 😂😂😂😂…So funny Patriot
No “US” to it, unless you show me the wage package $$$
Any ladies want to talk?? Pm teacher
You need mental help
Congrats to you all republicans on President Musk and Vice President Trump
You’re just jealous
Musk is Trump’s muscle