Real patriots don’t wave nazi or confederate flags. We had two wars abouts this.
It’s not coming down to a civil war
Can you democrats ever make an argument without name calling and claiming people who disagree w you are nazis?
Somebody got defensive using identify politics to classify when I’m neither. I’m just right 🤣🤣🤣
That’s exactly why it will take a civil war to wipe out all the filth of the left. We have zero in common with the other. Either peaceful national divorce or a very lopsided crushing war to eradicate all the lefty whack jobs
If you don’t like it you can leave
Conservative Christians are on the decline. I’m sure they’ll love you in Russia
I love when fascist and Nazis get mad when you call them fascist or Nazi
And call it name calling when they are prime examples of people who name call when they have nothing
That’s a nice tattoo though real or fake person
And I thought only dudes lurked grace
Anyone one wanna ft or come over I’m boreddd asfff
>>> I’m boredddddddd
Wanna talk ?
hi white blonde women call dm 😈 x
>>> Wanna talk ?
If you have coin
>>> And call it name calling when they are pri...
You can always tell how accurate a statement is by how hard you get name-called and gaslighted afterwards 💀💀
How’s everyone’s weekend going?
>>> And I thought only dudes lurked grace
I wasn’t lurking I just pop in make a comment and leave from time to time
Im busting your chops grace
I am going to just lurk next time watch you then send a pm and say “hey bb where you from?”
What? No “I’m a sad sugar mommy” dm? I feel cheated
hi white blonde women call dm 😈 T z
>>> What? No “I’m a sad sugar mommy” dm? I fee...
Dang I will use that one next time I pop in