Why can't I be asleep this is wack
I gotta be up in 3 hours for work bit I can't sleep
I dont need another one. I already have a ps5
He tried doing something leave him be
Hey, everyone. What’s up?
Waiting on someone to be ready to play 🙄
bro i got a new phone and i can’t download anti on there because it’s not on the app store anymore rip
Why did you get an iPhone,
Knowing that this app was doo doo and apple is trying to kill it
because iphones are superior
and i got a really good deal on it
>>> bro i got a new phone and i can’t download...
Theres someone that redone it on appstore according to their news group
all ur opinions are such L’s stoner
All my opinions are the truth
>>> because iphones are superior
That's funny
I have to agree with stoner on the phone thing
Guys im starting to skyrim any tips?
Idk I played it for like 5 min
Skyrim is an amazing game. My tip is explore everything to find hidden loot
My tip is start farming a literal farm and you'll rake in so much money if you grow poison plants
Zombies is hpw it's going idk how I feel about the bo6 zombies yet
Bo6 zombies is fun I haven't played it in a while tho
>>> How is your it going
What is the wording here 😂
Hi guys. Just started destinty 2. Alot to take in as a first time player. Anyone here plays?
I think zombies chronicles 2 would be solid but with big their maps are on bo6 idk how well it would work I feel ot would either be amazing or absolutely trash