Couldn't be me. Everyone remembers me weather its good or bad. 😏
ℒℴ𝓀𝒾 u gonna take that?👀🍿
you’re both gonna get blocked atp
Piglet of you block me you cant get advice anymore and we both know you need it 🙄
Also im drinking so shush
i don’t need your advice 🙄
Im old and wise. I got all the best advice
bbj gift me 2 roses before u get jailed again
omg where did i get karma from
potentially magic because i don’t think anyone gifted me
give it back cause i know ur a good person
the way i’m not even lying rn….
i guess i just misjudged u wow…
as if ur opinion of me has ever been positive GOODBYE
i actually saw u in a good light
not anymore tho… ur true colors have come out
this is why we’re married and have 3 kids<3
Me and bunny got 7 kids 😏
stoner stop trying to steal my baby mama🙄
Piglet she was mine first so dont even start with me 🙄
I wouldnt mind two different marriage
Why would anyone download that game? Its boring 🤔
Blueballs what game do you play
Howd you learn my nickname?
He plays fortnite all day everyday
you can have her on tuesdays and thursdays
I have her on all the days that end in a y and you can have her the rest
No only Tuesdays and Thursdays stoner. Listen to emily
Dang too many emillys sorry my bad